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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Travelling Is Easier With A Pda And A Bluetooth Receiver

Traveling is always easier if you take as little with you as humanly possible. It?s always the intention while traveling to carry only to what is most necessary. This is not always an obtainable goal, especially when you are venturing into parts unknown. In addition to the usual essentials, a sizable map and navigational equipment become necessary.

With the unveiling of GPS technology, traveling with maps and huge navigational devices becomes unneeded; a traveler need only carry a GPS receiver. A GPS receiver determines one?s exact position on earth by deciphering the information it receives from GPS satellites. With the assistance of other electronic devices, the GPS receiver will precisely determine your correct location on a map.

For even more even more functions and ease of use, GPS receivers can be used with other mobile devices. The PDA is one of the most frequently used mobile products for this purpose. PDAs make the perfect partner to the GPS receiver because of their unique features, such as a colored screen to display maps and hard drive space for map storage. And PDAs are light compared to other mobile devices such as notebook computers.

There is a problem with using a PDA with a GPS device, however. They do not always integrate well. GPS receivers are normally connected to PDAs using a CompactFlash (CF) card or USB wires. Because some GPS receivers are quite large, attaching it to your PDA using CF can make it too large. Using the USB wires, however, can make your GPS receiver difficult to use and limit its usefulness.

So what could be the solution to this problem? A Bluetooth GPS reciver.

The Bluetooth Solution

Bluetooth wireless technology is the open standard for wireless communication. As long as the two electronic devices are with 10 meters of each other, Bluetooth technology will allow them to send and receive signals and transfer data. No wires are necessary.

Bluetooth GPS Recevier

The Bluetooth GPS receiver is simply a receiver that uses the Bluetooth technology and electronics to transmit GPS data to a mobile device. However, they must share the same technology. For example, if a Bluetooth GPS receiver will be used with a PDA, the PDA must have built-in Bluetooth technology.

The Bluetooth GPS receivers used with the Bluetooth capable PDAs offer many advantages over an ordinary GPS unit, which is connected to the PDA using CompactFlash or USB wires. These advantages include the ability to use wireless connections between the devices. Without wires to limit positioning between the Bluetooth GPS receiver and the PDA, you can place the two devices at their most advantageous locations. For example, if you are using your Bluetooth GPS receiver in your car, you can place the device where it has a clear view of the sky. Then you can place your PDA on your dashboard and have optimum screen visibility. Because the wires are not used to connect the two devices, their positioning will not hamper your driving. Also, because you won?t need to use Bluetooth?s CompactFlash slot, you can use it for other things, such as storing maps or software to optimize the GPS navigation.

Aside from these two advantages, the Bluetooth GPS receiver units have other features, although most of them are brand or unit specific. Generally, Bluetooth GPS receiver units now have pre-stored US maps, point-of-interest (POI databases and route recalculation functions.
Abby Johnson is a staff writer at Lifestyle Gazette and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Travel Gazette.

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