Setup Wireless Networking


Monday, May 12, 2008

Bluetooth Technology And The Future Of Advertising

Nearly all new cellular phones and mobile devices come equipped with Bluetooth technology. It is the common wireless communication platform, shared by all new mobile devices. Data transmission via Bluetooth is relatively fast and does not charge the sender or recipient, making it an attractive method for the delivery of promotional content by retailers.

As consumers make the transition to newer and more functional mobile devices, they become more visible to Bluetooth-based advertising devices, and thus more accessible to marketers. With this newfound accessibility, marketers are now faced with the challenge of engaging consumers without alarming them or creating a sense of intrusion.

The most notable change that advertisers must make is that they now must barter with their clientele, exchanging content for their attention. Although this may seem to be a compromise for advertisers, it is actually giving them the opportunity to distinguish themselves from competitors by offering their customers something in exchange for their exclusive attention. Content that many consumers are currently buying, such as ringtones or wallpapers, can now be freely offered by retailers to entice potential customers. Content that is provided by retailers via Bluetooth can also be repeatable, meaning that it can be something that consumers may choose to observe multiple times. The repeatability that mobile devices allow for is very powerful, because repetition of content is brand reinforcement.

Bluetooth marketing is a revolutionary approach, because it is personal, substantive, cost-efficient, and effective. It is personal because the mobile device is the central hub for personal communication by phone, email, text message, etc. It is substantive because it offers content that is valuable to consumers. It is cost-efficient because data transfer and content are free; and the Bluetooth advertising devices are reprogrammable. And finally, it is effective because the content can be repeatable. Bluetooth technology is the key in molding the future of advertising to fit an elusive, tech-savvy generation that no longer notices subtle forms of advertising.

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